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Premier League clubs pushing to cancel season on ‘moral grounds’ – meaning Liverpool would be denied title.
Death rates rising and even Prime Minister Boris Johnson contracting the coronavirus, there appears little prospect of football resuming by April 30, the date set for a return to Premier League action.
As reported by David Ornstein in The Athletic, the worsening situation means there is now a growing appetite from clubs to scrap the season and replay it in full once it is deemed safe to do so.
That move would deny Liverpool – 25 points clear at the top of the table – a first title in 30 years.
A senior official told the publication: “You look at the people sitting around the Premier League table by Skype; their egos cannot sustain a mirror being held up to them.
“The fact is they are not as important as a Tesco delivery driver at this time. We run a game. No more, no less. There is no place for sport at the moment.”
Any decision to void the season would require 14 of the 20 clubs to vote in favour of the motion, a point raised by West Ham United vice-chair Karren Brady on March 14.
The next Premier League shareholders meeting is scheduled for April 3 and one high-ranking club official said: “I’m hoping the situation changes by then but unfortunately, the world is changing and it’s changing for the worse every day.
“It’s absolutely clear what is going to happen. It’s a worldwide pandemic. You just start (the Premier League season) again and there are very few losers. Liverpool, I know. But in the grand scheme of things, honestly, it really doesn’t matter. You’ve just got to start again.
“This (COVID-19) is going to get worse here (in Britain), so it’s not about players returning to training. If we all stay at home and self-isolate for the next two, three months, we’re going to get through this quite simply.
“But even then, there’s going to be a period of slow reintegration into normality, otherwise the virus will spike again. So, if we’re lucky, the new season will start in September.
“If they want to say, ‘This season is over and it will be recommencing with the final nine games being played out in September’, fantastic. But if that’s not feasible. Just end this league with whatever consequences that has. End it and say the new league will start in September.
“We look like petulant, ridiculous children now. I passionately believe what we’re doing is wrong. And I would like to think my colleagues now believe that as well, that the world has changed.
“It’s a scary place at the moment and we’ve got to treat it seriously.”
Aloittajan kysymykseen vastaan, että minä. Esimerkiksi Valioliigaa suunnitellaan potkittavaksi heinäkuussa tyhjille katsomoille.
Porin Ässät on melkoisissa vaikeuksissa ja toivonkin tässä heille mitä parhainta onnea tulevaan.Urheiluelämässä tapahtuu koko ajan myöskin sen ollessa keskeytyksissä.
Miksi muuten tuotetaan kulttuuriuutisia vaikka näyttelyt, museot, konsertit ja teatterit ovat suljettuina?