
Kirjoittaja Aihe: Raysa VIP  (Luettu 2439 kertaa)

Poissa Heikki3360

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Raysa VIP
« : Huhtikuu 27, 2022, 00:24:25 »
Fake picture profile, same woman as "Eva", different person than in the picture, not blonde but dark hair, much fatter and looks 30+, the actual woman has two black moles near her left collar bone.

Warning for violence, the rent apartment locates in ground floor of an old building near ******* and the woman kept the light off. When I found it's apparently a different woman than in picture within 2 min in the room, before anything starts, I said politely to pay 50 for free then leave, the woman asks for 100 or I could not leave. I turned around and leave anyway, then when I go out of the door, the woman chase from behind me and try to pepper spray on my face. I turned my face away from the spray and try to fend with my right hand. The pepper spray fell on left side of my head and my right hand anyway. The burning to my skin kept on for hours afterwards.

It's the most crazy and scary thing I experienced, pepper spray assault when extorsion failed within 2 min in the room. Beware for this fake profile and violent woman, number *****
« Viimeksi muokattu: Huhtikuu 27, 2022, 06:29:32 kirjoittanut Mummo »

Paikalla anaalipeppu

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Vs: Raysa VIP
« Vastaus #1 : Huhtikuu 27, 2022, 14:12:39 »
That sounds very illegal what she did to you. Hopefully you contact some law enforcement for this.  :(

Also, you are always allowed leave at the door without paying if you change your mind, before any kind of sex takes place. It is good idea to decide well, because after the payment, the money won't be returned and you are obliged to stay.