now I received a reserved and racist message on my mobile phone, I will show it to the relevant department and with the conversation here on the forum
Uutiset: SeksiSaitti toivottaa kaikille foorumilaisille leppoisaa joulunaikaa!
now I received a reserved and racist message on my mobile phone, I will show it to the relevant department and with the conversation here on the forum
how much did you racially insult me, since I'm also half Muslim, so I'm going to file a penalty notice, we'll see if you'll be the same dude, when I arrest you for not seeing Muslims, wait for a letter from the law enforcement officers
I have a conversation here on the forum, we'll see if you'll be such a dude in reality, I'm filing a penalty notice for insults and racist messages in the morning! at you bye
did you guys have to start a fight with the provider and scare her away from finland?