Yeah, guys be guys... Some dude flying to Finland for 1h escort meeting? My response to that claim
Kiitos rapsasta!
Olen myös vähän ihmetellyt miksi Paloma ei nosta hintojaan, tosin nyt ennen viimeistä breikkiä oli tosiaan pientä heittelyä sillä suunnalla
Mutta vaikka palvelu on hyvää ja paketti vähintäänkin kasassa, niin voi olla että asiakaskunta on jo tottunut -30% hintalappuun ja voisi jättää saapumatta, jos hinta kipuaisi normiin. Tai en tiedä sitten. Mutta kiinnostavasti omaa linjaansa neiti on vetänyt jo monta vuotta.
Anteron toive on toteutunut - hinta on noussut!
Anteron toive on toteutunut - hinta on noussut!
Mitä, eikö hinnat ole samat kuin ennenkin? Kolmenvartin puolikas tekee gutaa...
I think that money is very important in life, and my personal opinion is that every pretty girl should realize that you need to think about the future and procrastinate, and above all, never get involved with a client! fall in love very quickly because they are mostly experienced men who try to sweet talk girls working in the erotic industry and after a while they start asking girls for money and taking advantage of them! unfortunately, many girls see men in that, there is hope to go "normal" but it usually ends when they find out that he was only interested in her money, you have to realize that in life no man will be interested in a girl who had X men in her! !
I think that money is very important in life, and my personal opinion is that every pretty girl should realize that you need to think about the future and procrastinate, and above all, never get involved with a client! fall in love very quickly because they are mostly experienced men who try to sweet talk girls working in the erotic industry and after a while they start asking girls for money and taking advantage of them! unfortunately, many girls see men in that, there is hope to go "normal" but it usually ends when they find out that he was only interested in her money, you have to realize that in life no man will be interested in a girl who had X men in her! !
Yeah, I agree, work/hobbies should be kept separate from romance. And yes, money is important, but only as a means, not as a goal in itself.
I hope you find someone who can support you and keep you company, but preferably so that he is ok with your line of work so that we can continue enjoying your services