
Kirjoittaja Aihe: Tantra/Nuru Massage  (Luettu 4345 kertaa)

Poissa Mmnaaz

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Tantra/Nuru Massage
« : Joulukuu 18, 2022, 14:19:03 »
Hi there.
Actually there is now a days question here what actually a Nuru/Tantra massage looks like. Everytime I tried to get a good massage I end up with disappointment.
They start to put some cold baby oil on your back and just keep putting a little bit rub on your back and then turn you around and empty the balls.
This is how it happened everytime? Share yoir experiences and recommend a good massage. That can rub your point of relaxations and nake you feel really relaxed.

Poissa Freyja

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Vs: Tantra/Nuru Massage
« Vastaus #1 : Joulukuu 18, 2022, 15:51:53 »
Hi there.
Actually there is now a days question here what actually a Nuru/Tantra massage looks like. Everytime I tried to get a good massage I end up with disappointment.
They start to put some cold baby oil on your back and just keep putting a little bit rub on your back and then turn you around and empty the balls.
This is how it happened everytime? Share yoir experiences and recommend a good massage. That can rub your point of relaxations and nake you feel really relaxed.

Hello there!

I am sorry to hear about your bad experiences. :(

I have gotten very much wonderful feedback about my massages. I do tantric massages which can also include body to body massage. My massages are tender, caring, sensual and slow, slowly rising the sexual energy to it's highest. It is very important to me to be fully present in the moment during the massage and for the person I am giving the treatment. About my presence and touch I have been given many beautiful words from my customers.

What also is very important to me is that the person who I am massaging feels comfortable & relaxed and shares their wishes and likes & dislikes and also feedback during the massage, if needed. I have heard that I am good in listening and observing other person's and their body's needs. Giving others caring, tender touch, pleasure and presence are one of my strongest callings.

I don't offer Nuru-massages, since I rather use professional massage oil and satin sheets instead of nuru-gel and some latex-sheet.

I am happy to share more information about my massages, if you like.

And if there are people here, who have experienced my massage(s), feel free to share your experiences. All kind of feedback is very much appreciated. If there is something I could maybe do better, I would like to hear about that too. ❤️😘

I do massages in Helsinki.

❤️ Freyja
Lopetin hommat. Kaikkea hyvää kaikille. ❤️

Poissa Mmnaaz

  • Newbie
  • Viestejä: 16
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Vs: Tantra/Nuru Massage
« Vastaus #2 : Joulukuu 19, 2022, 00:26:29 »
Thank you for your reply. Your reply sounds tempting. I would love to see in person. Where do you do in Helsinki? It will be great to know more. I will sent you a private message.