Laitoin tulevalle ex-vaimolle viestin. Johonki minunki tarvii paineet purkaa. Alla olevassa ei ole kysymys perehdyttämisestä, vaan siitä onko ihmisellä luontaista ymmärrystä tekemäänsä työhön. Kyse on 5 vuotta alalla olleesta ihmisestä.
Kyse ei ole myöskään alasta. Aivan sama jokaisella alalla. Oli kyse sitten lounaskokista, tarjoilijasta, toimistotyöntekijästä, rakennusmiehestä tai mistä vain.
Luvassa ralli Englantia, älkää takertuko siihen.
Paina tykkää jos elät samassa tuskassa kanssani niin tiedän, että en ole yksin:
"Do You know that feeling when You got two kinds of colleague. One kind is when You give details and they stop You in middle of sentenced and say: "got it". Time: 6 second.
Another kind is 6 minutes and they dont got it anyway. They come to ask You details two times. 6 minutes per detail. Thats 18 minutes per matter vs. 6 second.
You have 10 things per day so its one minute vs. 180 minute. Theres 230 working day per year, so its 3,83 hour vs. 690 hour per year.
If You work 7,5 hour per day, You lost 91,49 day per year. If You work 21,1 day per month, You lost 4,34 month per year with colleague vs. colleague.
I F&€%ING HATE SLOW PEOPLE. And this is not a joke. I said wrong, when i said that i dont never lose my temper. I do. In my work. And thats why i like to work alone, or i want to choose with who i working with. Life is too short with slow people.
Every one is important as a human, but customers lose lots of money, and my job is handle their money, so im protecting peoples money when i choose with who im working with. Slow people wont understand it, and im a bad person. Crazy world. Im an easiest co-worker in a world, if my colleagues know what they are doing.
Thank You for listening. How did we serve You today?"