I noticed few misleading things on Carla’s stats because there are 15 positive reviews made by only 6 person with average age of 54. Yes 24 / No 6 would be closer for true numbers for overall satisfied / would you recommend. So, if you are under 40 you should not expect miracles from this about 30 years old escort. That’s exactly what happened to Sami_samuel due these overly positive reviews from our lovely oldies but of course GOLDIES. I could easily confirm Sami_samuel’s findings. So I’d like to comment few negative reviews here and compare Carla to other escorts that I have visited during this year.
I’m going to make this review in 3 parts to adjust the stats little bit to match closer the reality. I have seen Carla many times so I have right to do it even though at those times I would have given her perhaps better grades, but after her I have had so many new better girls, the standards have gone higher.
You’re right. She is bit older, but not yet in the MILF category, but almost there.
According to my calculations, she must be now at least 29, but she may already be 30 years old, as she was 28 at the end of summer / beginning of autumn in 2020. That still narrowly goes within the normal 10-15% advertising trick limits that everyone does. Actually this is one thing that I don’t like so much in these sites. No one has the right age on their profiles, but they always tell the right ones if they are just asked. That’s something I don’t get it. Why not then put those right ages on profiles correctly?
I have noticed if you want to meet a girl with age of 26-27 you should find a girl who claims that her age is 23-24. If you want to meet woman with age 29-30 find a profile with a claim of 26-27 years.
This Sami_samuel’s normal experience is also Carla’s strength. I think she hasn’t any particular weak points. Everything is about average or little bit higher, but is that enough today?
I have noticed few times the same perfume thing, but I’m not sure is it the Carla’s perfume. It might also be the scent from some kind of air fresher because it’s so strong. Anyway it stays on some clothes very easily, but it hasn’t happened every time.
If you have wife or girlfriend at home be careful with this issue.
Carla vastasi suht. hyökkäävästi väitti ikänsä olevan oikein ja kysyi haluanko nähdä hänen henkilöllisyystodistuksen. Hän myös kysyi mitä vikaa siinä on jos samat ihmiset kirjoittavat monta arvostelua ja väitti että ei ole ainut jolle samat asiakkaat kirjoittavat useita arvosteluita. Carla myös epäili olenko Sami_Samuel.
Vastasin mielestäni suhteellisen asiallisesti:
Yes please, show your ID and prove I’m wrong!
I really would appreciate it, if you could make a little video for us with your ID. It should contain something that is easily recognizable that it’s really you in it. Example, keep the ID card on your tattoo hand and your hip tattoo should also be seen on background and then zoom into that ID card. You should of course put tape on every other important places except your first name and year of the birth. If you like you could leave half of the face untaped. Leave as much as you can without tape.
Sorry, no still pictures. They are too easy to edit on Photoshop. Other girls have also videos so it shouldn’t be impossible task. You can do it under 15 minutes with your phone and then you could prove that you are the only one with right age on her profile. Wouldn’t that be something, age and pictures validated!
If you do this I’m ready to say I’m really sorry that I heard your age wrong. I will then edit all my reviews of you and send you 100e in your PayPal etc. account for compensation.
If not, then you are 29-30 and case will be closed.
And I’m not the Sami_Samuel and I didn’t know he writes every time same kind of reviews, but in your case that kind of review in my opinion could be really possible because of those many good reviews from these same a bit more aged clients.
The problem is that if we have 2 clients and other don’t like the escort and visits her just once and the other one likes so much that he visits her 5 times. Then we will have misleading stats: 83,3% likes and 16,7% don’t like. How many times client revisits the same escort they didn’t like? That makes this little so called error and yes you aren’t the only one with this problem.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure you are still at least a basic good escort and in some services even better, but overall you are not that excellent that your reviews claim especially if compared to best ones.
Tosiaan eipä minulla ole mitään kokeneempaa asiakaskuntaa vastaan, mutta epäilenpähän silti että jos ikää on reilu 50, niin ei sillä ole enää niin suurta merkitystä onko mimmi 26 vai 30. Nuoremmalle asiakaskunnalle tällä saattaa olla merkitystä.
Enpä tiedä tuliko Carlalle näiden palautteiden jälkeen vielä jotain minkä takia hän poisti arvostelumahdollisuuden. Noh, totuuden nimissä Carla on siis lähempänä 30 kuin 29 ja 'oikeat' tilastot YLEINEN TYYTYVÄISYYS / SUOSITTELISITKO osalta olisivat olleet 24 vs 6. Nykyisessä profiilissaan hän kuitenkin mainitsee 35 poistettua positiivista arvostelua:
Laitetaas seuraavaan viestiin vielä 3. osa arvostelusta joka jäi siis julkaisematta:
I’m going to make this review in 3 parts to adjust the stats little bit to match closer the reality. I have seen Carla many times so I have right to do it even though at those times I would have given her perhaps better grades, but after her I have had so many new better girls, the standards have gone higher.
“We met for short time. She is a friendly person. The experience was overall OK. A typical normal experience, some talk, romance and then shower. Nothing special that I was looking for. She is a mature women and not a girl, the age is not right in her profile. The pictures looks better but in reality she looks older. If you want normal experience with a mature older women, then she is for you.”
You’re right. She is bit older, but not yet in the MILF category, but almost there.
According to my calculations, she must be now at least 29, but she may already be 30 years old, as she was 28 at the end of summer / beginning of autumn in 2020. That still narrowly goes within the normal 10-15% advertising trick limits that everyone does. Actually this is one thing that I don’t like so much in these sites. No one has the right age on their profiles, but they always tell the right ones if they are just asked. That’s something I don’t get it. Why not then put those right ages on profiles correctly?
I have noticed if you want to meet a girl with age of 26-27 you should find a girl who claims that her age is 23-24. If you want to meet woman with age 29-30 find a profile with a claim of 26-27 years.
This Sami_samuel’s normal experience is also Carla’s strength. I think she hasn’t any particular weak points. Everything is about average or little bit higher, but is that enough today?
“Otin pikaisen 15min. Parfyymi tuoksui niin paljon että piti kysyä että pääsenhän suihkuun pois lähtiessäni ettei vaimo huomaa vahvaa tuoksua joka kävi. Mukavaa juttelua, suuseksillä kumi päälle. Sitten nainen päälle. Hetki näin ja naisen aloitteesta asennon vaihtoa. Lähetys saarnaajaan asettuessani sanoin että hetki näin sitten tulen takaapäin. Alkoi kiirehtiminen ja sanonta että vain yksi asento yleensä käy pikasessa. Sanoin että ei sitten lähetyssaarnaajaa vaan takaapäin koska niin tulen nopeiten. Vaivalloisen oloista, heti kun yhtään yritin parempaa asentoa takaapäin kuului valitusta. Juuri kun olin tulossa, lopetti ja runkkasi kumiin. Tämän jälkeen suihkuun ja pukeminen. Alakerran ovinapin painamisesta paluu autolle 3:n korttelin päähän ja parkki sovelluksen pysäytys alle 13min. Että erittäin negatiivinen suhtautuminen asiakkaaseen, latisti puheellaan tunnelmaa ja silti kerkesin alle pikaisen ajan. Sorry, dont Rush clients and ruin the Mood I was inside your apt less than 10mins for 70€ for you to jerk me to condom. Not good.”
I have noticed few times the same perfume thing, but I’m not sure is it the Carla’s perfume. It might also be the scent from some kind of air fresher because it’s so strong. Anyway it stays on some clothes very easily, but it hasn’t happened every time.
If you have wife or girlfriend at home be careful with this issue.
Carla vastasi suht. hyökkäävästi väitti ikänsä olevan oikein ja kysyi haluanko nähdä hänen henkilöllisyystodistuksen. Hän myös kysyi mitä vikaa siinä on jos samat ihmiset kirjoittavat monta arvostelua ja väitti että ei ole ainut jolle samat asiakkaat kirjoittavat useita arvosteluita. Carla myös epäili olenko Sami_Samuel.
Vastasin mielestäni suhteellisen asiallisesti:
Yes please, show your ID and prove I’m wrong!
I really would appreciate it, if you could make a little video for us with your ID. It should contain something that is easily recognizable that it’s really you in it. Example, keep the ID card on your tattoo hand and your hip tattoo should also be seen on background and then zoom into that ID card. You should of course put tape on every other important places except your first name and year of the birth. If you like you could leave half of the face untaped. Leave as much as you can without tape.
Sorry, no still pictures. They are too easy to edit on Photoshop. Other girls have also videos so it shouldn’t be impossible task. You can do it under 15 minutes with your phone and then you could prove that you are the only one with right age on her profile. Wouldn’t that be something, age and pictures validated!
If you do this I’m ready to say I’m really sorry that I heard your age wrong. I will then edit all my reviews of you and send you 100e in your PayPal etc. account for compensation.
If not, then you are 29-30 and case will be closed.
And I’m not the Sami_Samuel and I didn’t know he writes every time same kind of reviews, but in your case that kind of review in my opinion could be really possible because of those many good reviews from these same a bit more aged clients.
The problem is that if we have 2 clients and other don’t like the escort and visits her just once and the other one likes so much that he visits her 5 times. Then we will have misleading stats: 83,3% likes and 16,7% don’t like. How many times client revisits the same escort they didn’t like? That makes this little so called error and yes you aren’t the only one with this problem.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure you are still at least a basic good escort and in some services even better, but overall you are not that excellent that your reviews claim especially if compared to best ones.
Tosiaan eipä minulla ole mitään kokeneempaa asiakaskuntaa vastaan, mutta epäilenpähän silti että jos ikää on reilu 50, niin ei sillä ole enää niin suurta merkitystä onko mimmi 26 vai 30. Nuoremmalle asiakaskunnalle tällä saattaa olla merkitystä.
Enpä tiedä tuliko Carlalle näiden palautteiden jälkeen vielä jotain minkä takia hän poisti arvostelumahdollisuuden. Noh, totuuden nimissä Carla on siis lähempänä 30 kuin 29 ja 'oikeat' tilastot YLEINEN TYYTYVÄISYYS / SUOSITTELISITKO osalta olisivat olleet 24 vs 6. Nykyisessä profiilissaan hän kuitenkin mainitsee 35 poistettua positiivista arvostelua:
Laitetaas seuraavaan viestiin vielä 3. osa arvostelusta joka jäi siis julkaisematta: